raise standard




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1·Our country to educate the talented person raise standard to set the new request.
2·The ultimate aim for training is result, so the process of raise standard of sport is in the service of gaining excellent result.
3·Math is the basic language of AI. If we raise the standard in the learning of math, our students will be more likely to become successful AI designers in the future.
数学是 AI 的基本语言。如果我们提高数学的学习水平,我们的学生将来更有可能成为成功的 AI 设计师。
4·They're in search of mineral wealth and oil and energy in order to raise the standard of living of one-fifth of humanity.
5·You can raise your standard of living if you pick up some freelance work on the side.
6·The share placing, which is the equivalent of 4% of Standard Chartered's issued share capital, will raise the bank's core tier one ratio - a key measure of strength - from 7.6% to 8.4%.
这场股票配售的份额相当于渣打银行已发行股本的4%,这将提高渣打银行的一项银行实力的关键指标——核心资本充足率(core tier one ratio),从7.6%提升至8.4%。
7·Dubbed “ikumen” (men who raise kids) by the media, a spin on the similar “ikemen” (good-looking dude), the former is rapidly replacing the latter as the new standard in male coolness.
8·Commonwealth bank of Australia, the nation's biggest home lender, will raise its standard mortgage interest rate by almost double the central bank's increase.
洲最大的房贷银行,澳大利亚联邦银行(Commonwealth Bank of Australia)将按央行上调量的两倍量调高其标准按揭利率。
9·The idea is to create a new high standard for multilateral free trade, and to use the promise of access to new markets to encourage nations to raise their standards and join.
10·A first-half recession followed by a sluggish recovery-the standard forecast until recently-could well have enabled the Fed to raise rates in the autumn.
更新时间:2025-03-10 04:34